Treasures New and Old
Encounter the Catholic Intellectual Tradition

Thinking with the whole Church
The St. Irenaeus Institute offers opportunities for all who are interested—from seasoned scholars to those exploring the faith for the first time—to discover, ponder, and engage deeply with the Catholic intellectual tradition.

The people we serve

Scholars and students

Lay men and women

Priests and deacons
Programs and events
Our mission
The St. Irenaeus Institute exists to make the Catholic intellectual tradition a vital part of the Church and the university in the greater Milwaukee area. Under the patronage of St. Irenaeus, the early patristic expression of that tradition animates our work even as we reflect upon the entire intellectual patrimony of the Church, from theology and philosophy, to the arts and sciences. We serve students, scholars, priests, and lay Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Our Network
The St. Irenaeus Institute is a member of the In Lumine Network, a consortium of select Catholic institutes around the country devoted to the exploration of fundamental questions of human existence in the light of the Catholic intellectual tradition. Through fellowship programs, lectures, and seminars, In Lumine institutes foster intellectual friendships, cultivate a sense of wonder, and equip students with the virtues necessary for flourishing.
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